4/21/2024 3:44AM Tapree Merkman Bedford 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
4/24/2024 3:00PM Richard Stoneberger Bedford 18.2-374.3 Use of Electronic Means for Child Pornography
4/24/2024 4:36PM Clarence Hess Bedford 46.2-896 Hit and Run - Misdemeanor
4/26/2024 3:30PM Kimberly Vann Moneta 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
4/27/2024 2:46PM Anthony Hurt Bedford 19.2-306 Revocation of Suspended Sentence & Probation
4/27/2024 3:10PM Elizabeth Cantley-Beckner Bedford 18.2-111 Embezzlement
4/27/2024 4:49PM Travis Coles Bedford 18.2-250 Possession of Controlled Substances
4/27/2024 6:46PM David Willie Bedford 18.2-57 Assault and Battery