12/4/2023 5:00PM Adrian Erwin-Webb Bedford 18.2-57.2 Assault & Battery
12/5/2023 12:00PM Phreshus Crouch Bedford 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
12/7/2023 11:31AM McKenzie Winstead Forest 19.2-306 Revocation of Suspended Sentence & Probation
12/7/2023 7:58AM Kathryn Hudson Bedford 18.2-388 Public Swearing or Intoxication
12/8/2023 7:35PM Steven Byer Bedford 18.2-266 Driving Under the Influence
12/9/2023 10:52AM Norton Wilder Lynchburg 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
12/9/2023 11:29AM Ebonie Gray Lynchburg 18.2-415 Disorderly Conduct