8/20/2023 1:55PM Keith Coles Bedford 18.2-250 Possession of Controlled Substances
8/20/2023 8:20PM Larry Leonard Bedford 18.2-57 Assault & Battery
8/21/2023 12:41PM Anthony Eash Bedford 18.2-57.2 Assault & Battery - Family Member
8/22/2023 1:50PM Curtis Degaraff Richmond 18.2-172 Forgery/Counterfeiting
8/22/2023 10:02AM Jimmy Spinner Madison Heights 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
8/22/2023 2:20PM Jonthan Petersen Bedford 18.2-96 Petit Larceny
8/23/2023 4:00PM Brian Vandyke Bedford 18.2-308 Carrying Concealed Weapon
8/23/2023 4:20PM Savanna Embrey Roanoke 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
8/24/2023 2:00PM Sarah Whalen Bedford 18.2-57 Assault & Battery
8/24/2023 9:00AM Julia Sloan Evington 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
8/25/2023 7:20PM Bethany Reilly Bedford 18.2-120 Instigating Others to Trespass
8/28/2023 6:15PM Kyler Pauley Bedford 18.2-96 Petit Larceny
8/28/2023 6:15PM Kyler Pauley Bedford 18.2-96 Petit Larceny
8/29/2023 3:30PM Dalton Johnson Bedford 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
8/30/2023 2:28PM Emma Brown Madison Heights 18.2-57 Assault & Battery
8/31/2023 10:55AM Lindsey Tyree Elgin 18.2-57.2 Assault & Battery - Family Member