5/13/2024 2:00AM Chasidy Reynolds Fairlawn 18.2-96 Petit Larceny
5/15/2024 1:00PM Jermaine Linton Bedford 18.2-159 Trespassing on Railroad Track
5/15/2024 10:00AM Blake Maddox Big Island 18.2-57 Assault & Battery
5/15/2024 4:00PM Hunter Noel Bedford 18.2-388 Public Swearing or Intoxication
5/15/2024 6:30PM James Starks Bedford 18.2-266 Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
5/15/2024 6:30PM James Starks Bedford 46.2-894 Hit and Run - Property Damage
5/18/2024 11:15PM Bryan Kast Goode 18.2-388 Public Swearing or Intoxication
5/18/2024 12:38PM Anthony Hurt Bedford 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
5/18/2024 5:55PM Kara Craighead Bedford 18.2-388 Public Swearing or Intoxication