2/11/2024 10:54PM Michael Spence Bedford 18.2-57.2 Assault & Battery
2/11/2024 10:54PM Michael Spence Bedford 18.2-51.6 Strangle Another Causing Wounding or Injury
2/11/2024 11:33PM Clarence McGee Bedford 18.2-119 Trespassing
2/12/2024 1:50PM Jennifer Handley Concord 18.2-96 Petit Larceny
2/12/2024 4:55PM Carl White Forest 19.2-306 Revocation of Suspended Sentence & Probation
2/13/2024 10:45AM William Steeples Evington 18.2-308.1 Firearm Violation
2/13/2024 10:45AM William Steeples Evington 18.2-57.2 Assault & Battery
2/13/2024 10:45AM William Steeples Evington 18.2-60.4 Protective Order Violation
2/13/2024 11:35PM Gavin Carter Bedford 18.2-137 Destruction of Property
2/13/2024 3:50PM Gary Onks Bedford 18.2-178.1 Financial Exploitation of Vulnerable Adult
2/13/2024 6:30PM James Jarman Thaxton 19.2-306 Revocation of Suspended Sentence & Probation
2/15/2024 8:18PM Mark Lovell Forest 18.2-388 Public Swearing or Intoxication
2/16/2024 3:30PM John Phillips Huddleston 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
2/16/2024 3:30PM John Phillips Huddleston 19.2-82.1 False Identity to Law Enforcement
2/16/2024 4:22PM Adrian Woodruff Castlewood 18.2-102 Unauthorized Use of Vehicle
2/16/2024 5:38PM Ebony Hayden Bedford 18.2-96 Petit Larceny
2/17/2024 2:00AM Mauricio Carmona Lynchburg 18.2-266 Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol
2/17/2024 5:30AM Michael Albritton Bedford 18.2-461 Falsely Summons or False Report to Police