11/13/2023 1:08PM Derick Hendricks Goode 18.2-57.2 Assault & Battery
11/14/2023 9:59AM Sierra Dickerson Bassett 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
11/15/2023 1:08PM Michael Albritton Bedford 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
11/15/2023 10:51AM Eric Nichols Bedford 53.1-149 Probation Violation
11/16/2023 1:00AM Nicole Wimmer Bedford 18.2-266 Driving Under the Influence
11/17/2023 10:30PM Shelly McKinney Bedford 18.2-266 Driving Under the Influence
11/17/2023 12:30AM Daniele Foster Bedford 18.2-456 Contempt of Court
11/17/2023 12:41PM William Spence Forest 19.2-306 Revocation of Suspended Sentence & Probation